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Poems / Heroism

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unhappy with the state having the necessary characters.
[ Heroism ]
Faith valor creates heroes.
[ Heroism ]
That\'s what we call heroism and we are excited with
its size and ambition of the spirit, is nothing more than
calm and imperturbable self-esteem and pride.
[ Heroism ]
against the homeland by fighting not to become a hero.
[ Heroism ]
greatest heroism, friendship is not to discover a
its shortcomings, but to do so in order to see the same friends
its shortcomings.
[ Heroism ]
There are evil characters, as well as on the right.
[ Heroism ]
heroism - it\'s a way of life rather than death.
[ Heroism ]
hero - a man who knows that there are higher values ​​
than life, a man who has devoted his entire life
service of the State, itself one - the service of many.
[ Heroism ]
heroism, which is not contrary to morals, the best
means leaving people largely indifferent: only one
heroism, which destroys the moral, caused surprise and people
[ Heroism ]
varonīgākie are themselves unhappy.
[ Heroism ]
Heroism - the human way of thinking, which tends toward
the purpose for which even the existence becomes insignificant. . . . .
Heroism - absolute self-destruction of good will.
[ Heroism ]
What a lot of people do not become heroes if they had
common sense.
[ Heroism ]
war and valor belong to more than a great performance
closest love. Instead of your compassion, and heroism
so far has saved the world from disaster.
[ Heroism ]
heroism highlights modesty, impudence takes away the valor
[ Heroism ]
higher than the religious people - heroes, capable
self-sacrifice for humanity. The holy light a deep and
quiet soul, and wherever you go, what you do, where to stand,
It shall be your quiet, non-transferable, nezaudējamā, dear
property for all life and the life of humanity
[ Heroism ]

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