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Poems / Work

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No one no good if it is against his will, even if a person does a good job.
[ Work ]
What is aristocrat? The man, whose work was born.
[ Work ]
It is better to think before you resorted to a job than after.
[ Work ]
work - it is love that has become visible.
[ Work ]
Work - joy father.
[ Work ]
Work benign effect on the people by avoiding attention from his own life, to hide from his face, does not see the second, which is himself, and who makes his loneliness unbearable.
[ Work ]
work does not differ in substance from the alcohol and it has the same goal: to divert attention, to forget, but the main thing - to hide himself from you.
[ Work ]
Starting need to be an optimist, but the ending - no doubt full.
[ Work ]
Life does nothing without work.
[ Work ]
striving not only for high-quality - temperance and fortitude, but also by what it creates - and works nevairaties of them just because they are exhausting. Do not expect much effort you will bring a level of revenue, but similar to the copper helps to get the gold, as well as work - the nature of merit.
[ Work ]
Work, whether you will it or not, so as not to suffer a lack of life. Avoiding work on you neizbēgsi. When you seek after it, it will flee from you.
[ Work ]
who works just felt the need for freedom.
[ Work ]
true realm of freedom begins only after the completion of the work is dictated by necessity and external focus, therefore, by its very nature it is outside the sphere of material production.
[ Work ]
I\'ve done many richer countries pharmacies, but no medication has not helped me as a regular mental activity. If the work, as stated in the Old Testament is a curse, then I will ask the beloved to God: and what is your blessing?
[ Work ]
habit of patience to work - the same as the habit of patiently endure the pain.
[ Work ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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