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Poems / Work

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Work is force, have the pleasure of work is a pleasure.
[ Work ]
cove, then the idea of ​​a job is a master.
[ Work ]
Jobs does not do shame man, unfortunately sometimes happen to people who disgrace labor.
[ Work ]
only space, which Eternity is blowing -\'s life.
[ Work ]
If you are working in the industry, which is mainly engaged in the mind, accompanied by tilting a bit sirdsbalsi.
[ Work ]
Be like a duck - calm on the surface, but from the bottom beam of the force.
[ Work ]
work that requires mental effort, those who think the head is the same as him that is a sip of water.
[ Work ]
This work, which is driven by fear, it is worthless. It damages the character killed the joy that killed my interest.
[ Work ]
Work keeps us from three great evils: the boredom, vice and poverty.
[ Work ]
Just completing some work, we usually find out that it had to start with.
[ Work ]
forces that bleed job, gets dull.
[ Work ]
Katorga is where the hoes cut does not make sense, which work in any one of those who work with all of humanity.
[ Work ]
work can not be done with love, knowing that it is done in vain.
[ Work ]
work of testing, which is determined in fact a human value.
[ Work ]
It is better to wear out than rust.
[ Work ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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