Various speculations
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Poems / Various speculations

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Women are like flowers in the world, so that they are reaping the benefits, who love.
If a woman offers you hand and heart, are modest and take heart alone.
woman is always happy with the fact that she seeks.
Habit numb to feel disgust.
Television in its present form is the opium American people.
politician never expresses his personal views.
Watch the president has a duty under a microscope, but it reaches too far, looking at him proktoskopā.
more profitable to invest a dollar in the press than ten dollars guns: guns may be silent, but the press from morning till night, shut your mouth.
mother - the first to tell your children\'s pool on that but he is blessed with a lot, but it is having quite as at home all Latvians as a whole has been, is and will be pretty.
Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we we are not able to fulfill its sources. Dying of thirst.
Basically there is only one type of mental abnormality - the inability to love.
How great error is made by a woman, waiting for a man who will lead her dream world, instead of having to rush out the work itself.
sakārtosiet their relationship with the world, you allow others to do so also.
is a wonderful human reproduction bezdzimumu way of example.
courage. Need so to surprise her, to interest, but when they are interested, they are not hard to be liked. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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