Sad poems
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Poems / Sad poems

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the evening, when the sea dreams
and when the sun set behind the sea
My thoughts softly softly
In the distance with you to go
How unfair life seems to
That we give so many ways,
In those who would meet together
They can not find each other!
my lips tired,
without your kisses.
My body is tired
without your hugs, caresses.
My eyes closed
seeing you.
I grieve for you!
Well it\'s too late to run after him,
Well it\'s too late you say something
Well it\'s too late to admit you
Well it\'s too late, because you go ...
I\'m afraid to be in silence.
There are close to you,
Irrelevant, untimely,
Not in your appearance.
you left along the frost-covered trees.
These steps volatile I ever sounding in your ears.
But want you never know
How difficult it was for me at the moment!
There is only street leading to you
It is just a thought for you,
There are just longing for you,
There is only life with you. . .
my lips tired
Without thy kisses. . .
Man\'s body cooled
Without thy hugs and caresses. . .
My eyes closed,
Seeing you -
I grieve without you!
I walk through the field and looking for friends
The only other nagribētu my money
Such that do not play with me as a property
Do not make me be a shame,
The so called, I did for a friend.
I thirst to recover so that I can go further -
So many have hoped in vain, painful.
With the power to expose this life.
I have elsewhere. Nevaicājiet - \"why\".
my heart is beating ceaselessly without
And something so cruel to hurt
But for you I will not be another,
My heart belongs to you and will remain so. . .
so very hurt, if you have not been near me
And I know that nothing will be as before,
I want to meet you, what can I say more
But I know - will have AIZPUTES a trail. . .
Why it had to happen? You left and I was left alone. Why do I need one to remain in the dark, if surrounded by shining a bright day?
Look how long to leave a life
How long it slip away, that was beautiful.
Look, and do not tell anyone
How to hurt when a friend to go away. . .
The light emitted by a candle,
This brightness of flame flies,
It dims and disappears, and gaist,
But the light that people live,
And heat emitted from the heart,
It is not lost, it stays. And sparkle. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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