Sad poems
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Poems / Sad poems

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How beautiful clouds over the sea.
I am a long look. I am ashamed.
For my mother this time,
The barn by walking, legs AUN.

How beautiful the clouds over the sea.
I watched a heavy heart.
Who I have to clouds over the sea,
If my mother does not see them.

But I know - my mother lives
Never nenosauks of sūru
So just because I look,
How beautiful the clouds over the sea.
moments when the soul is in pain tvīkst
And tired of living under the weight of the
Every one is needed
Who can tell all -
One who will understand you;
Who can entrust ourselves.
We left your words
We left your heart.
And it seems that every star,
Yet your eyes off it shine.
When the loud winds begin to blow out
And love the river flowing away
Then know that you just
I am unable to forget. .
If suddenly the tears in the eyes
And you heart silently closes
Then think only the best-
For the most precious people. . .
life is not without thorns,
Year without a rainy day;
Life is never without pain,
Happiness is not without tears.
my heart always brings
Brightest sunlight,
Then you can always overcome
Way of life more difficult.
It\'s good when someone says to you:
Do not be sad, you are we!
Becomes available and more will each trail
And each day brings a new joy.
If you ever hard times,
Heart of the tribulation enter into,
Remember me for a moment,
Smile and everything will be fine.
life difficult are you doing,
And the most beautiful hopes loosening,
Then nenoliec weakness head
But the smiles, tears pouring something.
Nebēdz from pain
But you\'re fighting with them,
Then life will be rich
With victories.
Do not worry, if life is difficult,
Grief, if it\'s an easy target:
The difficult step in the ears of the bench
Cars remain fallow.
matter how difficult, but the joy of warm
For every day of your life tomorrow,
Life go by the rainbow bridge
Clocks to daylight hours sit.
If life is difficult,
If you wake up in the feud,
Send it away,
For beaming smile!
darkest moment will turn white
The darkest hour of sunlight,
If your spirit of goodness,
The sun as the apple tree branches. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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